• I am a specialist clinical psychologist,
  • psychotherapist and supervisor of the Psychotherapy Section of the Polish Psychiatric Association (cert. no. 88)
  • psychotherapist and supervisor of the Psychotherapy Section of the Polish Psychological Association (cert. no. 4)
  • certified psychotherapist of the EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy).
  • Board member of The International Society of Hypnosis (ISH), member of the M.Erickson Gesellschaft fur Klinische Hypnose e.V. in Munich and Advisory Board of the Jane A. Parsons-Fein Training Institute in New York.
  • former president and board member of the Psychotherapy Section of the Polish Psychiatric Association.
  • Author of the first Polish comprehensive publication on the Ericksonian approach
  • Co-founder and Director of the Polish Ericksonian Institute.
  • Co-organiser and participant of all editions of the International Training Seminar in Wigry, since 1992.
  • Psychotherapy Teacher
    I have conducted training classes in hypnosis and Ericksonian therapy in Austria, China, France, Iran, Canada, Germany, USA, UK, South Africa, Mexico, Nepal, Spain, Lithuania, Sweden and Italy, among others.